2013年1月1日 星期二

When Stress Causes You to Want to Return to Your Gambling Addiction - 5 Helpful Tips

Stress can be a strong trigger when you have a gambling addiction and are trying to stop. When you have a gambling problem, it is important that you handle your stress in the best possible way you can. Stress is part of all of our lives, however, when handled properly, it will stop you from going back to your gambling addiction.

1. Make sure that you have a "To-Do List" each day. Make sure that you put your priorities on your list first. Do not forget this list, because when you put the things that you have to do on paper, this can reduce your stress exponentially. When you are scattered, and do not know what you need to accomplish on a given day, this can increase stress.

2. Eat right and take necessary supplements on a daily basis. When you eat right, you will feel much better mentally and you will be able to handle stress better. In addition, please make sure that you drink plenty of fluids as well, because dehydration can cause fatigue. Remember, we are what we eat. Eat well on a daily basis, and you will see your stress level kept at bay.

3. You must sleep properly. If you do not get proper sleep, you will not be able to handle your stress in the best possible way. Not sleeping properly can contribute tremendously to the stress that could bring you back to your active gambling addiction. Not sleeping properly can contribute to depression and anxiety and well as increased stress.

4. Give yourself 30 minutes each day to relax and get centered. You can practice meditation, or read some self help books. You can just take that 30 minutes to do nothing. This is your time for yourself, and you have to give this to yourself. Give this gift to yourself. It is important!

5. Talk about your feelings to a trusted friend or family member. Do not hold all of your feelings inside, because this is truly not healthy and can lead you back to gambling addiction. If you need to see a therapist or minister, this is absolutely okay. If you need help for your gambling addiction, you must actively seek help by professionals or close friends.

I am hoping that these tips were helpful for you so that you do not allow stress to contribute to a desire to return to gambling.

Remember that gambling addiction can ruin lives of individuals and families. Do not let stress allow your gambling problem to spin out of control. Keep your stress at bay, so that your life stays healthy without gambling.

Michelle Tee

Michelle Tee is a self-help coach and author on the subject of gambling addiction . If you are looking to stop gambling and have not had success in the past, visit her site today.

