2012年12月26日 星期三

How to Stop an Online Gambling Addiction

Now even though gambling online is used mostly for entertainment purposes the advantage of earning cash may cause an individual to get addicted. You see it only takes one time for an individual to hit the jackpot when gambling online and they can almost immediately become hooked on the euphoria of winning. Now as with any addiction the individuals who have the problem always claim that they can stop when they want to and deny having a problem, however if you follow these straightforward steps you just might be able to stop the addiction of gambling online.

Step one, in our attempt to stop a gambling online addiction is, admit that you have a gambling online problem to yourself and your family and accept that you need help to stop. Step two if you are using a credit card to pay for your addiction of gambling online then cancel the card. You can ruin a good credit rating and may get yourself into so much debt that you may not be able to pay it back.

Step three, contact Gamblers Anonymous for counseling services as well as online support, this step is very crucial as it would allow you to see if you can overcome your addiction. Also remember there is no shame in attending these meetings because you are taking a positive step to dealing with your addiction. Step four, once you have found a GA group in your area make it a point to attend meeting at least weekly, it will make it a lot easy for you to overcome your gambling online addiction as you will see that there are many other individuals with the same problem you have and if they can manage to kick the habit then so can you.

Step five, you need to reduce all contact with these gambling online games, so what you need to do is visit the website 'Gameblock' and download the software which allows you to block all gambling online sites. Step six, find another activity that would replace the time you would usually spend on these gambling online games, for instances you can take up exercise, you can read or spend more time with your family. The final step, step seven, even though you are attending the gamblers anonymous group what you could do is make an appointment to visit a therapist as gambling online can be a substitute for something that is lacking in your life. In closing, remember that we are all humans, and we all make mistakes in life what separates us is those who recognize they have a problem and get help, so do it today.

Sarah Harrigan is a professional casino player and reviewer. For straight talking honest advice on online gambling casinos be sure to visit her website for comprehensive reviews on the top online casinos and winning casino strategies.

