2012年11月8日 星期四

Gambling Addiction and Alcohol - A Toxic Combination

When an individual has a gambling addiction and drinks alcohol as well, this can be a huge problem. This is especially true when a person with a gambling addiction is drinking while actively gambling.

Why do you think the gambling casinos in many parts of the country give out free alcoholic beverages. Do you think they are doing it just to be generous? I do not think so. The owners of these casinos know what they are doing as they are in business to make money..not give away free alcohol.

If you are actively drinking and getting a buzz off of alcohol, you will be more likely to spend more money as you are feeling good from your initial drinking behavior. The more you drink, the more money you may spend. The casino owners know this quite well and take full advantage of this.

For a recreational gambler with a budget, having a couple of drinks at the casino on a Saturday night is no big deal. However, for the individual with the gambling problem, this combination can be very costly (no pun intended).

Because alcohol is a depressant and can significantly impair judgment, alcohol is no friend to the compulsive gambler. An individual with a gambling problem can lose thousands of dollars while sitting in front of a slot machine, high on both gambling and alcohol.

If you have even the slightest signs of a gambling addiction, it is not a wise idea to drink alcohol while you are at the casino. You will truly gamble away a lot more money than you expected, just because of the effects of the alcohol on your judgment.

Be smart, and if you do make a decision to gamble, keep your alcohol to a minimum. If you do believe that you have a gambling problem, get help for yourself as soon as possible.

You should not be in or near a casino whatsoever if you have a gambling addiction. Gambling addiction can harm your life significantly if not treated.

Michelle Tee is a self-help coach and author on the subject of gambling addiction . If you are looking to stop gambling and have not had success in the past, visit her site today.

