The addiction to gambling is a behavioral disturbance which is pathological and which manifests itself through some of the following characteristics. First of all, ti is all about the pleasure of taking risks, about looking for action and adrenaline and for avoiding getting bored. This behavior can tear families apart, as well as to one losing their job or to registering significant financial losses. Those who are addicted to gambling can do things they never thought they were capable of, such s stealing money from their parents, from their kids or from their office in order to be able to gamble, lie, deceive and manipulate others.
Many of the gambling agencies define gambling as a sort of betting with which the amounts of money which can be won are unknown. Also, this activity depends on the skills and luck the ones who gamble have. There are four types of gamblers. First of all, there are the recreational gamblers or the social ones, who separate gambling from their lives, considering it a way of spending their spare time. Then, there are the professional gamblers, who see gambling as a business they can earn their living from. These are also the ones who take part into international competitions and so on. Then, there are the anti-social players, who end up stealing from others in order to be able to play and who don't have any moral boundaries to stop them. Last but not least, there are the pathological players, who are obsessed with gambling and who can only be cured by specialists.
Here are the symptoms of this addiction. First of all, the players who are addicted to this activity have a progressive inability to control this behavior in order not to register significant financial and relational losses. A player also feels the need to win more and more money and to take higher and higher risks, their lack of wins turning them into very unhappy and depressive persons. There are also some persistent preoccupations when it comes to gambling. These preoccupations have to do with finding money to invest or to planning the wins and the investments. Regarded as a way of solving all kinds of problems and of annulling feelings like guilt, depression, anxiety or discouragement, this game or activity offers a solution not many people have the courage to take up. There are also cases in which the ones who are around the gambler and who live with them realize the consequences of this activity and the lack of control from the gambler's side. Last but not least, there are also all kinds of illegal behaviors, which are tightly connected to the fact that gamblers try to get money and to cover their losses turning to illegal activities.
Gambling can be a dangerous activity and this addiction to gambling is also very important because it can have a lot of unpleasant consequences. A gambler who gets lucky once or twice won't stop gambling just because other people them them to.
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