Apart from the financial drawbacks, that an individual is susceptible to when hooked to gambling, obsession could heavily destabilize his family and social life. Nobody wants to face such undesirable conditions.
Gambling was meant to be fun and not something, that should spoil your life. Below are some good guidelines to conscientious gambling.
1. Expect to Lose.
This is not a being skeptical. Set a loss limit for yourself and stick to it no matter what. You could also do with a time limit, this ensures that you are well aware of the risks involved in the game and you are wise enough to be on the safe side.
2. Don't Borrow.
Don't ever try to sustain yourself in the game through borrowed money. Once you decide on your loss limit you shouldn't have to borrow money for gambling.
3. Take a break
Make sure that you give yourself time to relax from on-line gambling, doing this will allow you to reflect on your losses and winning and you could even decide to quit if you find the habit costly.
4. As much you gamble, mingle too.
Employ the various wallet friendly activities like chatting with a new social contact or an old buddy who may also be a frequent visitor to the casino. Save yourself from the feeling of guilt for not gambling the whole night. Learn to practice your social graces as a way of spending the night. You could easily let a good deal pass you by while preoccupied with dice rolling in the online casino.
5. Avoid the Virtual Casino when depressed.
As with any other activity, never allow your gambling to be an emotional outlet mechanism, because gambling with unsettled mind could be disastrous to you. Do not use gambling as a way of venting off your emotions.
6. Reject the Urge to Ruin you budget just because of Gambling
Stick to the budget you set aside for amusement and fun as gambling allocation. Try hard to avoid using money set aside for daily expenses for rolling the dice just to satisfy the craving.
7. Avoid chasing your losses.
Accept losses as they come and enjoy your winnings too, but never chase the money you've lost by gambling more in the hope that you will recover, because this could make you lose even more.
If you cannot make sense of all this, then remind yourself that casinos are not charity organizations to dish out money. They are set to make profits out of your losses, so keep cautious.
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