Have you ever seriously considered how to make money. Not just wished to make money but actually thought of the process involved. I have made my money through gambling. Everyday on the Internet people are buying the next gambling system, horse racing system, roulette strategy or poker book to find the way to instant gambling riches.
I am certain that some of these gambling systems work. But what does it take to make them work long term. Lets assume you find a football betting system. You try this particular football system for a day or two and it works. It produces consistent results.
You find that your gambling is now paying and you have a betting system and strategy that you can win with. What do most people do. They get greedy. I have personally won over £1 million pounds gambling. I don't say that to be flash, I say it because it is true, and anyone can do it. What does it take, it takes discipline.
If we take you back to your system, we know it works, we have tried it, so now we want to use it more. This leads to more bets being placed. All of a sudden the flaws in the gambling system appear. You are having more bets but the strike rate drops and you start to lose money. What is the synopsis. This gambling system is rubbish. " I tried that xyz football betting system and lost a fortune".
I look at it this way, a Nike golf club in my hands, is completely different to the Nike driver in Tiger Woods hands.
A betting system in my hands is completely different to a betting system in average joe gamblers hands.
Where money is involved at times all brain power goes out of the window.
If we go back to that same football betting system, we used it once and know it worked. We will now turn the mentality round, rather than use it more and make more money, (which we know fails because you will get more losing bets), lets use it less and make more.
The power of 3%. Once we know something works we can use it once a day and make money.
If you have a bankroll of 100 units be it dollars or pounds or yen it does not matter, and you grow that bank by 3% every day, IT DOUBLES EVERY 24 DAYS. I can do this with almost any gambling system.
That is right, so 100 units in 240 days becomes over 100,000 units.
I can do this with one spin of a roulette wheel a day, i can do it with one horse racing bet, one tennis bet, one football bet. I can repeat it across four or five systems a day every day. That is how I make a million gambling.
How many people do you know can spin the roulette wheel once and walk away. Not many huh.
Yes you will have the odd loser so lets say that adds 30 days onto your quest. You can truly turn 100 units into 100,000 plus units tax free in a year, if you have discipline and any gambling system that works just a little.
Ian Erskine is a professional gambler, famous for winning over £1 million pounds on betting exchanges. Keeping a low profile for years he decided to share his system with a few people in 2007. He is currently investing his own money in a website to clean up online gambling scams and systems. This site will launch in summer 2007. If you wish him to review a gambling product before purchase, just ask.
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