2012年11月29日 星期四

Gambling Establishments Negatively Affect More Then Just The Compulsive Gambler

At one point in time people welcomed the gambling establishments in hopes that they would help revive their community, increase jobs and increase economic development. As each placed opened, it did just that. They created jobs, increased revenues for local businesses and created construction jobs as they began to grow. It was a positive influence in the community, but as time went on more and more people began to spend their money on a chance to win, the gambling establishments grew and local businesses began to suffer.

People never realized the negative affect the gambling establishments created because local politicians supported these places. People were not given all the facts.

There are states that had the statistics, but still went ahead and welcomed the gambling establishments with open arms.

The gambling ling establishments attracted a large percentage of their employees from an estimated fifty mile radius negative affecting local business establishments.

The gambling establishments are able to have better benefits and hourly wages then local businesses.

Communities hear that a thousand construction jobs have just been created due to the local gambling establishment's expansion. What people don't realize is this new expansion once completed will take more jobs from our local businesses. One place grew so big they began to transport employees by bus that lives over fifty miles away.

No one ever took the time to realize that these places could not expand if people didn't lose their money gambling. These places are parasites and leeches that have no concern for those lives and businesses they have destroyed.

The gambling establishments are here to stay as long as local governments depend upon them for tax revenue. Once gambling hits epidemic proportions where tax payers and businesses can no longer make their tax payments nothing will ever change. It's unfortunate the governments are playing a wait and see game before they will react.

Mr. Howard Keith has an extensive background in dealing with compulsive gamblers, relatives and friends of gamblers and teenage gamblers. Mr. Keith believes there are many alternatives to aid in the recovery of a gambling addiction verses a twelve step program. A large percentage of his emails were from compulsive gamblers looking for an alternative to Gamblers Anonymous and twelve step programs. Gamblers Anonymous also helps a significant number of people each year but there is a large percentage that they are unable to reach.

For more information on gambling addiction and stop gambling you can check out
I Stopped Gambling So Can You http://www.istoppedgambling.com/

