Gambling is quite popular, and has been that way since time immemorial and still remains popular. Don't forget that it's a scam, and involves plenty of deception. According to statistics, almost 60 % of people, mostly adults who are involved in gambling are very much addicted to what they refer to as a past time. The people who are deeply addicted to gambling develop an urge of betting on literary anything. Be it cards, casinos or horses. This is just a small portion of the unlimited number of things they can bet on.
Casino related scams are prevalent. Massive payouts and the promises of huge wins are largely advertised in bold and this attracts the folks who dream about getting rich quickly and fast. It's a fact that gamblers are very resilient hence don't easily get discouraged.
Surveys show that majority of individuals with little self-control and discipline are very susceptible to gambling problems, that means it can be easily identified and rectified.
Below are a number of questions you can use to probe and identify if a problem is present.
* How do you feel after losing money in a game of gambling, irrespective of the amount, regret or resentment?
* After you strike a win, do you feel a strong urge to win more and want to go back?
* If you lose money, do you feel an urgency to go back and recover your money?
* is much of your time spend gambling, mostly more than you initially planned?
* Do you find consolation to your problems from gambling?
* is much of your time spend gambling than doing productive work?
* Do you gamble until your last penny goes down the drain?
* Is your relationship with your family strained as a result of gambling?
* Do you borrow money from friends and associates to finance your gambling?
The type of gambler that is much more difficult to deal with is the action gambler. Majority of this type of gamblers are male, the difficulty in dealing with them comes from the fact that to these people gambling gives them some kind of elation similar to that created by drug obsession. Such individuals can never admit about their addiction when confronted. They normally gamble themselves to poverty.
Gambling being a big scam, attracts multitudes into it. The chief motivating factors for these people is the expectation and hope to make huge winnings that could transform them into millionaires instantly. But then comes another deadly reason - the feeling of some euphoria. Be it a scam or not, people still gamble and that makes offline gambling exist to date.
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