2012年9月30日 星期日

4 Benefits Of Gambling

Why gamble and why don't?

Most people are unhappy about being labeled as gamblers since the disgrace would forever harass them. People have several reasons regarding the sport of gambling. Few gamble for fun, some to forget problems, another few to just pass the time. There are people who gamble seriously and there are others who are simply addicted to gambling.

Gambling is not all that downbeat, if you realize that there certain untapped benefits from gambling which are not very visible and are beyond the race track or the walls of casino or even bingo social hall.


The employment ratio attributed to the existence of casinos in Las Vegas is around 60 percent. One would not be able to perceive the situation if the casinos suddenly stopped functioning.


Gambling is no doubt the essence of entertainment provided people limit themselves and sprinkle discipline within them. Some people are too optimistic about recovering all their lost cards in the next game and hence continue the game. These constitute hardly a quarter of the gambling population who are not responsible enough and get into indecent gambling.

However there is the other 75 percent of population who gamble responsibly. They are those who know the entertainment value of gambling and never get into opinions where they are blinded to make huge money the very first time they hit the card!

It is a sad fact that only a very minor portion of gamblers realize how destructive gambling can ever get. It is true that friends, families, jobs, properties, crime etc saturate the destruction brought by gambling when there is no application of self discipline.

Charity Work

The winnings coming from gambling tricks and activities have donated the much required financial resource for every worthy cause. Lotteries and Bingos are being utilized in many cases in a way that every win contributes a percentage of jackpot reward to various charity institutions.

At times celebrities manifest their competence in different games such as the card game of poker in a way that the audience is entertained and the winnings go towards the charitable organizations they represent.

Health benefits

Studies have revealed that population which is 65 years or older who gamble have considerably fewer reports of health issues be it depression, alcoholism or bankruptcy. They find gambling very therapeutic as in a way it keeps them alert by exercising their mind.

Retiree gamblers are most often recreational gamblers who value the entertainment quotient of gambling. It was concluded that they stay healthy because they begin by being healthy and not because of gambling.

To conclude, it is not just the act of gambling that develops as harmful or beneficial to any individual. It is but the resolution of the individual which would help him rule excessive gambling rather than excessive gambling ruling up on him.

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Information for People Who Need Help and Support for Gambling Addiction

Consequences of Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction can result in serious health and financial problems for the gamblers. It can affect the gamblers health, not only physically but emotionally and mentally. It can cause financial ruin and have serious impact on their family and friends. Gamblers who do not stop gambling may lose not only their jobs but may also lose their homes, loved ones and their close friends. Their lives may get completely out of control as they become addicted to gambling and they may become a danger not only to themselves but to their families, friends and also to the public. Gamblers sadly may end up stealing money from their friends and families to fund their gambling addiction and begin to mix only with people that are addicted to gambling. They may have difficulty in sleeping and become moody, anxious and depressed. The gamblers addiction to gambling begins to hurt themselves as well as their families and friends. The gamblers family and friends may feel vulnerable, distressed and powerless if they are unable to stop them from gambling. People addicted to gambling may have suicidal tendencies and this can be very distressing for their families and friends.

Gambling parents' children will be deeply affected if their parents respond towards them in an angry, hurtful and verbally abusive manner. Children may be so scared of their gambling parents' behaviour that they may not know where and who to turn to for help. Gambling parents may spend their money on their addiction rather than on their children.

Family and friends should not try to bail out the gamblers out of debt because that will not help them overcome their gambling addiction. Gamblers need to take responsibility of the fact that they have a addiction and that it is a very serious problem.

Help and Support

Gamblers who make the decision to find help and support for their addiction will have taken their first step to recovery. They will have found the strength within them to seek help and also realised that there is no quick fix solutions to their gambling addiction. They can get help and support by:

1.Seeking advice from their doctors who may refer them to a suitable counsellor or to a cognitive behavioural therapist.

2.Going to a gambling anonymous support group meeting.

3.Calling the national gambling problems help line.

4.Researching gambling addiction treatments such as hypnosis.

5.Reading self -help books.

Recovering gamblers should try to:

1.Spend their time with their loves ones and close friends and undertake social activities that they enjoy doing.

2.Refrain from socialising with friends who are addicted to gambling.

3.Get rid of or destroy their credit cards so that they are not tempted to spend on gambling.

4.Learn to relax to avoid stress.

5.Take up yoga or meditation classes.

6.Call someone who they trust implicitly if they have urges or craving to gamble.

7.Stay positive and eat healthy foods.

8.Go for long walks.

9.Plan social events.

10.Cook a meal for their families and friends.

11.Watch TV, listen to music and dance.

By doing the above mentioned activities, the recovering gambler will be able to lead a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

To get more information about helping people with gambling addiction problems visit site: [http://www.gamblersindebt.com]

Gambling Addiction

A friend of mine who is a great high school basketball coach once told me "The best you can have happen in a game is to have the other team's worse shooter make his first shot - very similar to the confidence you feel with a gambling addiction. They will think they are a good shot and keep throwing upshots and missing them. But they keep shooting because they made the first one." This same attitude got me addicted to gambling. The thought that what happened once, by pure luck, was going to keep happening and I could control it. Instead of walking away and being content with a little good fortune, I stuck around long enough to prove his statement true, not for basketball, but gambling.

I got into gambling which resulted in my gambling addiction the same way people get into it. My friends and I would play cards when we were in high school for a few dollars. The feel of winning, even back then was a rush. That feels better than any drug. Other people may get this feeling through exercise, the runner's high, or closing a big deal at work. The difference between their feeling and the one I got was the high, or sense of accomplishment. The difference between myself and the friends, I play cards for entertainment and fun. They may have had that same feeling I did, but they didn't let the feeling overtake their mind and way of life. They, like most people, realized if they won, they were lucky. Sure there is a tactics, but in gambling, it is better to be lucky than good.

I have been gambling, with a gambling addiction, and going to casinos since I was eighteen years old. Back then, you only had to be eighteen to gamble at casinos. Back then I would take the money I got from working around the house or a part-time job and I would head down to the casino on Friday night after school. What I won or lost would dictate how the whole next week would go until I receive payment. If I won, that next week was fun. Most of the times though I am scrambling for extra work for money or borrowing from friends. I wish I could look back and laugh and say man I was just young and stupid. The problem is it got a whole lot worse and the thinking did not change. Feast or famine was the way I lived my life.

Sex, Drugs, Gambling and Chocolate A Workbook for Overcoming Addictions (2nd Edition)

A. Thomas Horvath, Ph.D., is president of Practical Recovery Services, San Diego, California, which offers an alternative to 12-step and disease-oriented addiction treatment. He is president of SMART Recovery, a non-profit network of support groups for individuals abstaining from addictive behavior. From 1999-2000 he served as president of the American Psychological Associations Division on Addictions (Division 50). Author A. Thomas Horvath Studio Impact Publishers, Incorporated Format Book

I gambled throughout my twenties ( not realizing I had a gambling addiction) and early thirties with few major problems. I would win a little here and there, but I never had a big payday. Then two years ago I walked into the casino with forty dollars and walked out with one thousand five hundred. The following ten months were the most self-destructive ten months of my life. The bigger problem was in this time how many people I lied, blamed, and would not listen to. In the end I lost a ridiculous amount of money; but what was worse I lost the trust of everyone in my life. Some have started to forgive me, but others never will. I would not blame them. I still don't trust myself.

After that first big "payday", I gambled more in the next ten months than I had ever done before. I would estimate I gambled two hundred and seventy out of the three hundred days that this all took place in. The only reason I took those other thirty days off was I was flat broke - classic gambling addiction.. During this stretch of time, I won much money. The problem was, among many problems, I am never content with what I was lucky enough to win. If I won five hundred, I would lose it trying to win a thousand. I had Friday nights where I would win eight thousand dollars. By Sunday , when I would leave, it was all gone. It didn't matter how much I would be ahead, in the end, the casinos and I both knew I was walking away down. The last few months I was so bad I would not even get the rush, or high, from winning. I knew I was going to lose it eventually. It stopped becoming fun and a game, it became my life.

I wish I could say the money lose was the worse part of my gambling addiction. But everything else that came with it was far worse. See during this time I borrowed money from friends, relatives, and others promising them I would not use it for gambling. I had no plans of it when I borrowed the money, but in the end, I lost it all. For the past eight months I have been trying to rebuild trust with these people. Some have started to forgive me and take what I say as truth. Others have not and I believe never will. Do I expect them to though? No. I just hope to repair some trust back with them. Another that came from all of this was the outlook that no matter what I did I was going to lose anyway. It is a feeling of I have no control over the events of my life because at some point I would get screwed over. Any contact I had with someone was an analysis of why were they talking or acting the way they were with me. I got bad enough where I even thought family and close friends were trying to "hustle me", or win one over on me. I thought everyone had an angle. If they were being friendly, there had to be a scrupulous reason. There had to be an anterior motive. It was like I was living my lifelike everything was in the casino.

See in the casinos, the more you win, the more you get. Complimentary drinks, food, and vouchers are the norm when you are winning. Why? Because when you get these, you are going to stay in the casino long enough for them to win their money-back and then some. So when I spent most of my life during this time in the casinos, I just got use to that lifestyle. In the end, I just made everyone upset and put myself in a position where no one would or could trust me or want to help me.

Gambling addiction is something I will live with for the rest of my life. It is not something you can just one day say I am cured, because it is a conditioning you live with forever. To stop myself from continuing this path of destruction, I have had to take steps that I didn't want to take, but if I didn't I would either be dead or in jail. This is the part that is sad; it took others to take control to make me take some of these steps. It is because of family and friends that I am starting on the road to get my problem under control. They sometimes had to do what they knew would upset me. At times I would not understand, but in the end would be better for me. That is what it takes to help someone out with a problem such as this. When you are the person with the problem, you either don't see you have a problem, or in my case, realize there is a problem but are not strong enough to fix it without help from others. There are much people who I got mad at and thought they were not on my side. But in the end, the only one I can blame for this was me. Gambling addiction is something people never are over, but with family, friends, support groups, literature, and most of all, a willingness to get help, they can have a life where there is some stability.

Scott Farmer

2012年9月29日 星期六

Online Gambling - The Soaring Rise From the Global Economic Crisis

During these tough economic times, it is no surprise that land based casinos are losing money. You may have thought that people would be flocking to sportsbooks and casinos worldwide in order to gamble and hopefully win big as an aid to surviving the recession that the economic crisis has spawned.

However, it seems that the opposite is true. The lack of money for entertainment means that folks are foregoing those weekend trips to Las Vegas and other gambling meccas. They have even become unwilling to spend the money required for gasoline or public transportation in order to get to land based casinos that are within driving distance of their homes. You could ask any sports book or casino owner how the recession has treated their business, and most of them will tell you that they are losing money.

Experts in the gambling industry have observed a ripple effect taking place across the world. Determining the patterns of international gambling is the subject of a study that has released some surprising facts about the gambling industry. Online gambling is rising in popularity in spite of the economic crisis. In fact, in 2008, the total amount taken in worldwide by online gambling was more than 20 billion dollars, setting a new high record.

Why are people shying away from land-based casinos and using online casinos instead? Simply put, they can make their money go much further in an online casino. As mentioned above, people just do not want to part with their cash for airfare or for any other form of transportation in order to get to the casinos. They are using that money to go to online casinos, and having their gambling fun in the comfort of their homes.

The gambling industry is predicting that online gambling will continue to be quite popular for as long as the economic crisis goes on, and even beyond. People are not going to give up gambling. They may not wager as large an amount as they once did, but the lure of winning is too strong for them to stop completely. They will turn to online casinos as a way to continue their gambling habit for less money.

All that is needed for online gambling is a computer and an inexpensive broadband connection to the Internet. Anywhere you can use a laptop computer or a mobile phone is also a place where you can gamble. Unlike land-based casinos, online gambling allows you to practice many of the most popular games at no charge. You can get a feel for a game before investing any money in it, which can save money in the long run.

Those punters who are smokers and have seen their favourite casino or sports book turn into a smoke-free establishment are also bringing their gambling dollars to the online casinos. Gambling via the Internet means no restrictions on smoking, food or drink. There is no dress code to follow, and many consider online casinos much safer than land based casinos. Several of the big online casinos are responding to this influx of new customers by making online gambling even more fun and appealing. They are adding welcome bonuses and other promotions, holding tournaments, and featuring player customizable slot machines. Almost everything you can find at a land-based casino is available at online casinos, plus a whole lot more.

Online gambling is very convenient, offers a huge variety of games to tantalize the punter, and suits the entertainment budgets of those who are affected by the economic crisis. There is no doubt that the gambling industry is right on the threshold of even more growth as it grows more popular than ever.

Cindy Leggett is an inveterate reader, writer and information addict who enjoys creating web articles on a variety of subjects. One of her favorite places in the world is Las Vegas, Nevada, where she continues to hone her knowledge of gambling. For more on best rated online casinos [http://www.casino-affairs.com/best-rated-online-casinos.html] visit Casino-Affairs.com, an online casino guide [http://www.casino-affairs.com]

American Gamblers Against the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act

If you are an American who likes gambling, then you are in trouble with the UIGEA or the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act. It stirred the gambling community with drastic changes. Gambling online became difficult because of this law. US players find it tough to look for an online gambling website that offers amazing features.

This is the quandary that online players from United States experience. Although many sites still allow Americans, there are also many gaming sites that prohibit them from entering. Hence, it is much of a trouble for players to look for websites that allow them to play.

The Happening

Many online gaming venues are reluctant to accept players from United States basically due to the imposed bill, the UIGEA. This bill declares an online gambling ban in the United States, and Americans are not allowed to play gambling. What remains unclear is why none of the millions of the gambling supporters ever made a move to challenge the bill during its ratification, so here comes the end result of their seeming negligence. UIGEA has been passed and here it is in its awesome enforcement.

UIGEA means the death of the gambling industry in the United States, as online casinos succumbed to the loss of their shareholders, which bring fuel investments for their existence. But the massive enforcement of UIGEA has not yet occurred and a number of states still continue to allow online gambling. This spurred confusion among people as to whether or not the bill is going to be fully implemented.

But since UIGEA impends to shut down online casinos, directly or indirectly, more casinos lose shareholders, and it caused a runaway loss of investment. It's grim state for online casinos this time.

Unveiling the Issue

The main issue is whether or not gambling shall be banned in the US. With the confusion spreading across the nation, people are left perplexed. Some online gambling sites continue to operate and accept players, while others have shut down. At the moment, fourteen states have banned online gambling, but many online casino investors and shareholders have withdrawn support for online casinos, bringing the gambling industry to a critical standstill.

Many think that UIGEA has changed the gambling scene in the past 3 years. It didn't just stir the gambling industry in the US but also caused a worldwide stir.


Before the UIGEA, the US gambling market has attracted many online casinos to serve the American enthusiasts. But since the passing of the bill, the number of sites that catered to the American gambling populace has decreased dramatically. It's tough, indeed, to find online casinos or online poker sites that serve players from the US. Thus, UIGEA has instilled a lot of mess. It instigated disquiet both to players and casinos and this caused more trouble than the law's actual implementation.

UIGEA has also imposed that online casinos should have more stringent regulations regarding registration of players. This made quite impossible for minors to play games of chance.

No one can easily register using a fake account, too, because fake accounts are monitored from time to time. Hence, clients cannot have a bogus account on online casinos.

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Is Online Gambling Legal?

According to the Wire Act, one is not permitted to make use of a wire transmission for the purpose of placing a bet. The Wire Act clearly states that "Whoever being engaged in the business of betting or wagering knowingly uses a wire communication facility for the transmission in interstate or foreign commerce of bets or wagers or information assisting in the placing of bets or wagers on any sporting event or contest, or for the transmission of a wire communication which entitles the recipient to receive money or credit as a result of bets or wagers, or for information assisting in the placing of bets or wagers, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both."

While some may argue that the Wire Act pertains to all forms of gambling, others believe that it only refers to sports betting and wagering on sports events. Interpreting the Wire Act to mean that all forms of online gambling are illegal, many banks and financial institutions decided to block online gambling transactions that make use of credit cards. Other online financial services such as paypal.com ceased to process gambling related transactions and most of the major search engines such as yahoo.com and google.com stopped accepting gambling related


Although the Department of Justice managed to put a significant dent in the advertising and banking operations of the online gambling industry in the United States, there are currently thousands of online gambling websites operating legally outside the U.S. Furthermore, since most of the online casinos accept numerous offline and online payment methods, one does not require a credit card to play at an online casino.

According the latest online gambling figures, most online casino players are from the United States, and the online gambling industry is continuing to grow at a phenomenal rate from 1.5 billion dollars in 2000 to a projected growth estimate of well over 10 billion dollars for the year 2005. In order for the Department of Justice to make a truly serious dent in the online gambling industry, they would need to convince foreign bodies such as the government of Antigua and Barbuda (a tiny country that processes 25% of online gambling transactions) that online gambling is illegal.

Taking the matter all the way to the World Trade Organisation, the tiny island of Antigua and Barbuda argued that the United States trade policy does not prohibit cross border gambling operations. It also argued that the U.S would be hypocritical to do otherwise since it wants to allow U.S. casinos to operate land-based and Internet-based units overseas.

Meanwhile, the United States argued that regulation was not a viable alternative for prohibition due to five major risks: underage gambling, compulsive gambling, money laundering, possible abuse by organized crime, and the risk of fraud.

On the 7th of April, 2005, the World Trade Organization ruled in favor of Antigua and Barbuda.

"The WTO has now found U.S. prohibitions on Internet gambling improper and discriminatory under global trade rules," Paulsen said. "This WTO ruling means the U.S. will need to regulate, rather than prohibit Internet gaming. It's clear that this will require Internet gaming companies seeking to do business with U.S. consumers to have adequate protections for consumers in place, to deal with such problems as the risk of underage gaming, fraud, and money laundering. The good news is that there are now solutions in the payment system to do just that."

Kobus Paulsen, CEO of the UC Group, said on April 7, 2005.

Thus according to the World Trade Organisation, gambling at licensed online casinos and sportsbooks is not illegal. Rather than waging war against the online gambling industry, governmental bodies hostile to online gambling should work towards the regulation and taxation of the online gambling industry, while searching for possible solutions regarding the problems of underage gambling, compulsive gambling, money laundering, possible abuse by organized crime, and the risk of fraud.

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2012年9月28日 星期五

Benefits of Online Gambling: Top Reasons to Gamble Online

The online gambling industry is the most profitable industry on the internet. Millions of people around the world are wagering on sports online, playing online poker, bingo and even the lottery online at any of the thousands of gambling sites available on the net. Even people who have never visited a land based casino or a local bookie are finding themselves visiting online casinos and poker rooms on a regular basis.

So, what makes gambling on the internet so appealing? Yes, you can play any game of your choice without having to leave your favorite chair. Still, you will not be served free drinks; you will not be able to watch the game you have wagered on from big TV screens; you can neither see the facial expressions of your poker opponents nor to hear the sounds of the coins fall from the slot machine when you hit the big jackpot...

Here are the benefits of gambling online comparing to traditional gambling:

Diversity: how else can you jump from an online poker room to the craps table and to a bingo hall while staying seated on your most comfortable chair? Most online casinos feature a large variety of casino table games, slots and video poker machines. Moreover, in many major online gambling companies you can switch from online casino gambling to online sports wagering with the same username and account.

Bonuses: where else can you receive free money to gamble with? Most online casinos offer free money bonuses in order to entice new customers and to keep up with the competition. The bonuses can start from 10 dollars free just for downloading the casino software to a couple of thousand dollars for completing a certain required amount of raked hands

Convenience: obliviously, what can be more convenient than playing your favorite casino game in the comfort of your own home while listening to your favorite music and drinking your favorite beer? Not to mention being able to put your dealer on hold each time up you want to take a break

Smoking and Dress Codes: whether you are a smoker or a non smoker, when you are gambling online you are free from obeying the rules. Same goes for dressing, eating and drinking; you can either smoke non stop or remain in a non smoking environment; wear your sloppiest clothes or stay naked; eat, drink, talk on the phone, watch TV, whatever

Atmosphere: when you are gambling online, there are not any cocktail waitresses who will sedate you with free drinks and distract you from beating the dealer. In addition, you can set an atmosphere of your choice that can include clocks or even a source of day light

Beginner Friendly: a land based casino can be an intimidating place for the newbie gambler. The average online casino, on the other hand, is much more beginner friendly than its brick and mortar equivalent. Interactive tutorials, play money modes and the option of avoiding social embarrassment caused by misunderstanding of the rules and codes of behavior is a more pleasant welcome for the novice casino gamer or poker player

Safety: yes, gambling online is usually safer than playing in a land based casino and carrying big amounts of cash money in your pocket. Most online casinos are reliable and respectable businesses that will not risk their reputation and lose their customers base by scamming their players

In addition to the list of benefits mentioned above, online gambling offers equal opportunity for people with disabilities or those who cannot afford traveling out of their state to play in a legal land based casino.

However, reading about the benefits of online gambling makes the huge popularity of online gambling, online poker playing and online sports wagering much easier to understand.

Jack Reider writes for an online casino guide and directory that provides reviews of online casinos [http://www.gambling-portal.com/online-gambling-casino-reviews.html], poker rooms, sportsbooks and bingo halls, articles about gambling and related topics and news from the casino gaming industry.

Is Responsible Gambling Possible?

Most people gamble for the fun and excitement of that big win, or to test their mettle against worthy opponents in games of skill, but gambling is about money and there is always the risk of taking the game too far.

Ensuring a conscientious and entertaining gambling environment is both the casinos'/poker rooms' and the players' responsibility.

Players need to play at casinos or poker rooms with the highest degree of trustworthiness, transparency and legitimacy. It is also important for players to bear the following in mind at all times during their play:

o Gambling should be entertaining and not seen as a means to making money.

o Keep track of the amount of money you spend and only gamble what you can afford to lose. Do not chase your losses.

o Keep track of the amount of time you spend gambling.

Does your casino or poker room have a responsible gaming policy?

While most people gamble for enjoyment, gambling can create various social and economic problems and very possibly cause harm to some individuals. These problems can range from over-spending to pathological gambling addiction.

Make sure that the casino you choose is committed to creating a responsible gaming environment, and has therefore gone to great lengths to implement and maintain the responsible gaming requirements of the international online gaming industry watchdog - eCOGRA (e-Commerce and Online Gaming Regulation and Assurance). This certification is for the benefit of both players and the casinos or poker rooms themselves.

What does the eCOGRA Seal of Approval mean for you?

To receive the eCOGRA seal casinos or poker rooms must undergo stringent inspections of everything from customer service centers to accounting systems and from responsive complaint procedures to financial guarantees.

The award of the seal confirms that the casino or poker room has met eCOGRA's strict admission criteria, and signifies that that they have shown absolute commitment to fair and honest gaming, superior player support, and prompt payouts. As a player, this seal of approval can provide you with total peace of mind when enjoying your favorite online games.

With eCOGRA you also have free access to a dedicated third-party dispute resolution service. You can request eCOGRA's assistance in resolving disputes with any casino displaying their seal. Simply fill in a brief form on their web site at http://www.ecogra.org/disputes.

Gambling problem?

Should you require any assistance or advice on gambling problems, please contact one of the organizations listed below:


National Council on Problem Gambling 1-800-522-4700

Hot Line Number for Northern California 1-800-287-8670

Hot Line Number for Greater L.A. Central 310-478-2121

Hot Line Number for Palm Springs 760-325-2808

Hot Line Number for Greater San Diego 1-866-239-2911

Gam-Anon, International Service Office 718-352-1671

Compulsive Gambling Institute 1-800-GAMBLER

Council of Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey 1-800-GAMBLER

or 1-800-426-2537

Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling 1-800-426-4555

Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling 1-800-34-NOBET

NICOS Chinese Health Coalition Problem Gambling 1-888-968-7888

(Mandarin and Cantonese)


Gamblers Anonymous 08700-50-88-80


British Columbia Partnership for Responsible Gambling 1-888-795-6111

Aden Matthews is an online poker expert and has been playing in online tournaments for 5 years now. He shares his knowledge of poker and the industry with readers on a Texas Hold'em blog and also endorses a good poker tips and strategies site called Vegas Poker [http://www.vegaspoker.com].

Compulsive Gambler Continues Down Self Destructive Path With Little Hopes To Stop Gambling

Everyday I here of compulsive gamblers who are continuing to gamble even though they have tried one recovery program or another. This is a story of a compulsive gambler named Robert who relapsed over and over again until he found the right recovery program.

Robert a compulsive gambler from the United States relapsed more then ten times in the last three years. He continues to search for a stop gambling recovery program.

He questioned what made him go back to the casino after he abstained for at least three weeks or more? One day he realized that the gambling establishment's use of subtle subliminal advertising was what brought him back time and time again. This was a major break through for Robert. Understanding this helped him to break his negative repetitive pattern.

He remembers driving to work at eight in the morning. The news came on and announced there was a hundred thousand dollar winner last night at the Casino. Then they continued to talk about it and continuously repeat the words "someone has to win maybe that would be you." That's all Robert needed to hear. He called in sick and headed straight to the casino. He arrived and two hours later he lost a thousand dollars. He was depressed and very emotional. He had no idea how this happened again.

It's unfortunate but he continued to go down a self destructive path that seems impossible for him to ever escape from. Besides the mounting debt, his self esteem decreased as each day passed. Robert was trapped. He knows gambling is no good for him

I have known gamblers to put thousands of dollars in one slot machine believing it will turn around. It's doesn't happen often, but just suppose the gambler hits for five thousand dollars. At that moment in time, the gambler feels great. He now believes there's nothing they can't do. It doesn't matter if they sat at that slot machine for five hours. Then with out realizing it a few hours later they lost all the money they had just won. After leaving they would head home and ask themselves how? Robert had done this hundreds of times only to go back again and again.

Robert was determined to stop gambling but he kept asking himself "How did this happen again? He once stopped for three months. During this period he was more financially sound and more relaxed and very content with his family. Out of nowhere he received a four hundred dollar gift certificate to the gift shop at the local gambling establishment Christmas holiday. When he opened it, it made his day. He wanted to buy his wife something nice. She was very proud of him and believed he was on the road to recovery. With out telling his wife, Robert jumped in the car and head to the gambling establishment. As he arrived, he had the biggest adrenaline rush. He parked his car and headed directly to the gift shop and purchased a nice bracelet. As he headed out the door and back to his car he thought maybe just one bet. He fought with himself for about five minutes which seemed like hours. He went back in and the next thing he realized he lost over two thousand dollars.

Robert decided it was time to stop. He was so ashamed of himself. He was now determined to stop. He found a self help manual and a private chat room and the rest is one day at a time. He's learned to confront these triggers and move forward. The I Stopped Gambling website helped him to move forward and deal with his gambling addiction head on.

Mr. Howard Keith has an extensive background in dealing with compulsive gamblers, relatives and friends of gamblers and teenage gamblers. Mr. Keith believes there are many alternatives to aid in the recovery of a gambling addiction verses a twelve step program. A large percentage of his emails were from compulsive gamblers looking for an alternative to Gamblers Anonymous and twelve step programs. Gamblers Anonymous also helps a significant number of people each year but there is a large percentage that they are unable to reach.

For more information on gambling addiction and stop gambling you can check out: I Stopped Gambling So Can You http://www.istoppedgambling.com/ and the site: Teenage Gambling Addiction website [http://www.teenage-gambling-addiction.org/].

2012年9月27日 星期四

Online Gambling Tips

There are thousands of online gambling sites on the Internet. It is important to know at least the basics of online gambling techniques in order to make this pastime fun and exciting experience. Learn the rules of the game before you start playing. The better you know the game, the better your chances of winning it.

Try the casino game's free option before wagering real money.

Place a reasonable limit on the money that you are going to gamble with. It is one of the golden rules of gambling. You should never play with money that you can not afford to lose. Another major rule: never start borrowing money to gamble, it may never end!

Develop a good strategy for the game you are going to play. Search Internet resources for valuable hints and game strategies, participate in online gambling forums where you can learn from more experienced players. Remember the famous saying: "Fools learn from their own mistakes; wise men learn from other people's". For example, while Black Jack, Slots and Roulette give you the least possibility to predict the game's outcome, there are some reputable strategies for Poker, Craps and Baccarat that allow a player maximize his chance to win by proper play.

Pick gambling sites with most favorable playing conditions, reliable customer service and good reputation among the online public so you have less chances to deal with possible problems on your own. Learn your banking options, often gambling sites have different policies on payment and withdrawal options, find it out before signing up.

Find the best gambling bonuses. Welcome bonuses are the main attraction for people to gamble online. completely free money to play and win with, no deposit required. Gambling bonuses almost always have some strings attached, so carefully read all terms and conditions on the gambling web site. Usually you are required to wager the bonus a certain amount of times before cashing out.

Check various games odds. Many casinos have a page devoted to their games odds which show the average player's return on the available games. You can see which games pay out the most and what games to avoid.

When playing a game, be ready to cash in your wins. Prepare to quit the game when you are ahead, do not wait until your streak of luck is over. Rely on logic, on mathematical calculations rather than emotion, do not trust your intuition, your "gut feeling".

Spread your gambling budget. Do not bet all your money at once. Place many small bets evenly throughout the game instead of a big one.

Experience the gambling thrill, the adrenaline rush! Win more, lose less and have fun! Good luck!

Betprize.com is your guide to Online Gambling Sites Read online casino, bingo, poker and sportsbook reviews, learn gambling tips, and play free casino games.

Common Online Gambling Games

It was 1994 in the tiny island country of Antigua and Barbuda, a certain law was passed which made the location a legal jurisdiction, allowing it to issue gambling licenses. This law paved way for online gaming and until today, most gambling companies would base their business in the country to utilize their license.

The gaming software came years before the commencement of online gaming. An Isle on Man-based software company called Microgaming developed the first fully operational online casino software which gave birth to many online gambling sites. Whereas Cryptologic, an online security software company, provided the indispensable software which made internet transaction safe, secure and workable. By 1995, the first online casino was launched.

Like many things that did not have a smooth start, the launch of online gambling also met many obstacles. One major problem it met along the way was the legality of the trade. The very idea and concept of online gambling was opposed and resisted by many and especially in the United States. Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona for several times tried to prevent American citizens from gambling online and also promoted anti-gambling campaigns.

Recently, on September 30, 2006, the US Congress passed a bill stating the it is illegal for banks and credit card companies to process payments from US residents to online gambling companies. This bill later became a law which President Bush signed on October 13.

But although online gambling have up to now been fought against by many individuals, organizations and even the government, many are still captivated by the allure of this addiction. Thus despite all the disputes, supporters and players around the world are hooked in participating to online gambling. Most common online gambling games are:

Online Poker, or Internet Poker, is known to be partially responsible for the dramatic increase in the number of poker players worldwide. Online poker tables mostly host games of Texas hold 'em, Omaha, Seven-card stud and razz, both in tournament and ring game structures.
Online Casinos utilize the internet to play casino games roulette, blackjack, pachinko, baccarat and many others. Internet casinos may also be divided into three groups according to their interface: Web based casinos, Download-based casinos, and Live casinos. Web based casinos are played without the need to download software for playing games. Plug-ins must be installed in the browser to accommodate such games. Download-based casinos require clients to download software in order to play and wager on the casino games offered. The software connects to the casino service provider and handles contact without browser support. Whereas Live-based casinos allow online players to play and interact with the games played in real world casinos. In this setting, players connected online could see, hear and interact with live dealers at tables in casino studios around the world.
Online Sports Betting, where there are a variety of sporting events that a player could wager over the internet like fixed-odds gambling. Wagering or betting could be done through Bookmakers, spread betting firms and betting exchanges.
Online bingos are also available via the internet. Also for Mobile gambling, there are now developments in the utility of wireless and cellular devices in gambling notwithstanding the raucous debates for gambling online.

Gambling can take on many forms as casinos, lotteries, online gambling, TABs and racing events. Visit Business.com.au to see a complete directory of all Australian businesses that work within or around the gambling industry in Australia.

2012年9月26日 星期三

Sports Gambling

Sports gambling, also called sports betting, involves prediction of sport results by making a wager on the outcome of a sporting event. The legality and acceptance of sports betting varies from one nation to another. It also varies from one state to another. The legal age limit for sports gambling is usually twenty-one years.

Some of the sports that a person can bet on are NFL games, horseracing, professional hockey, hound racing, and baseball. Some of the sports that are not usually available for gambling are golf, Indy 500, and tennis. A gambler can wager on sports in Nevada and Oregon where betting is legal. Wyoming also allows betting on sports but there is some ambiguity about the subject.

Although it is illegal to bet on sports in the US, there are many illegal bookmakers in every town and city. Other betting options include Internet and offshore gambling that are a relatively new phenomenon. Internet gambling is a little riskier compared to land based gambling because the gambler cannot judge the quality of the gaming institute. Many frauds and swindles have become known in the recent years. However, many people successfully bet on-line and win on a regular basis.

There are many types of bets in sports gambling. Some of the popular types include spread bets, proposition bets, money line bets, over/under bets, parlays, and teasers. The winnings and procedures for these bets differ according to the bets themselves. All gambling wins and losses are to be reported to the IRS every year and anyone betting an amount in excess of $10,000 will have to fill up a form for the IRS before starting the betting procedure.

According to surveys, seven out of ten adults in the US betted on some sport in the year 2005. The total revenue generated because of online betting exceeded $12 billion in the same year. This shows that sports- betting is not frowned upon as much as other gambling since it is a skill game where the knowledge of the gambler about a particular sport is tested along with his betting abilities.

Gambling provides detailed information on Gambling, Online Gambling, Casino Gambling, Gambling Addiction and more. Gambling is affiliated with Casino Gambling.

Is Virtual Gambling Here To Stay?

Everything seems to be possible in the virtual world. You can take on a new personality, be anyone you want to be. If you're bored with who you are just become someone else. The virtual world is amazing and the possibilities are endless.

Gambling for instance. There was a time when you had take a plane or jump in your car and drive for hours to a casino, find parking and maybe a hotel to experience the thrill. Now you can turn on your computer and play to your hearts content in your own home. The popularity of virtual gambling is growing by leaps and bounds and has become one of the favorite past times of people, regardless of and gender.

Gambling is not new; it has been around for close to two thousand years. Throughout history gambling has gone through many changes. Back in the beginning money was not always at stake, it could have been land or something as simple as who was picked to do a chore. "Virtual" What does it mean? It's something that is almost real but at the same time is an illusion but with virtual gambling this is not really true. The players are real and the stakes are real, in this case virtual refers to the "Internet" or being online. Instead of visiting an actual brick and mortar casino you visit via your computer.

The Internet world of virtual gambling is booming, there are so many sites and casinos it will make your head spin if you try to visit them all. There are so many games available you could probably play a different game every day. All the traditional gambling games are available in virtual gambling. Blackjack, poker, slots, roulette, to name just a few.

As always, people are finding ways to improve over the old by providing new and innovative forms of gambling. Online gambling now includes, world cups, TV reality shows, and Saturday matches and weather. No matter what the theme someone is going to think of a way to bring it into the virtual world, as long as someone is willing to place a wager and put money on the line.

Since it is so hard to cheat online virtual gambling is actually considered one of the safest ways to gamble. Adding to the thrill is the mysteriousness of your opponent. You don't know them; you can't see them or the expressions on their face. In the virtual world there are sites where you can gamble for real money and there free sites where, like the old game monopoly you play with fake money. The only way to find out if virtual gambling is for you is to try it. If you haven't tried this kind of gambling I'd advise you begin with one of the free sites. Get your feet wet; learn to walk before you run. If you make a few mistakes, so what, the money's not real. Use it as a learning curve, when you think your ready then go to a pay as you play site.

Today people are staying late in front of their monitors instead of staying late at the casinos. Virtual gambling has brought gambling into the modern world. If you love to gamble it's an easy, convenient way to satisfy your desire.

I'm an old time poker player from way back. The new games just don't turn me on. I like the suspense of a good poker game, the rush I feel when I get that winning hand. If you have poker in your blood visit my online poker blog and have a ball. http://gamblenow.blogspot.com/

Gambling Industry Expanding And Players Who Use Gambling Strategies

What does the word "Gamble" mean to you?

For the average player the word "gambling" means much more than a risky bet. It can stand for just about anything from vacationing, Las Vegas, and even fun. Devised earlier than 3000 years ago, gambling was well documented to have existed in many civilizations. The games we know today are the incarnations of former ones, with adjusted rules. For the length of time gambling was invented, players have always seemed obsessed with trying to use various gambling strategies for games. However, Casinos have always had the mathematical advantage along with an adamant need for stopping the smart player. It has forever become a vicious cycle of exploitive players vs. casinos catching up.

Today, gambling doesn't even need to be played at Las Vegas or any other casino chains.

Now for those of you who live under rocks or live in a time warp may say, "Wait....outside of Casinos?"

Well you see...

1. In-flight Gambling: Eflyte has been developing in-flight gaming and continues to spread its influence on many airlines. Currently they have the world's first Multiplayer Poker Tournament along with over 60 games for airplanes. Ceo of Ryanair will also attempt use in-flight gaming by next year. Now casino gambling may be common on cruises, but it's a breakthrough for airlines.

2. Mobile phones can also be used to buy lotteries and sports betting nowadays. If certain restrictions are lifted, it could even mean much more growth in its use.

3. Internet Casinos are also another medium in which gambling doesn't seem to stop growing; despite being forced to open offshore from the US. This isn't necessarily bad of course.

The gambling industry is on a growing trend and it doesn't seem to stop anywhere in sight. Of course, this naturally means that more and more people will be hooked and continue losing to the casinos.

Even the strategic players are screwed over at times with certain technologies being developed. Some casinos even started to implement tracking devices in chips to catch card counters. Those days of Ken Uston and counting machines are getting harder to come by since casinos already know about the gambling strategies used. New mediums such as electronic gambling can stop card counting dead in it's track.

Winning through strategy can still be done, just as internet marketing can still make some rich. Yet being particular savvy to news and gambling strategy alike can immensely help the professional gambler. That is, unless gambling is only treated as a simple recreation. Otherwise, the best a player can do is to read up on forums and reference news sources for any changes in their gambling strategy.

Owner of a gambling strategy site known as [http://www.gambling-wizard.com]. Covering gambling news, blackjack, casinos, sports betting, and more.

2012年9月25日 星期二

Does A Compulsive Gambler Really Want To Stop Gambling?

This question most gamblers ask themselves when they begin to realize gambling has affected their lives.

Most gamblers intent is not to lose all their money, but rather to win big and buy all those materialist items they have always dreamed of. Gamblers are not selfish people; in fact they enjoy buying things for their family and friends.

Compulsive gamblers live their lives to just place one more bet. It doesn't matter if a compulsive gambler is up five thousand dollars, they will still gamble until they lost all the money they came with. This is reality for a compulsive gambler. At the time they finally win, their ego's sore like a bird in flight. For that very instant they feel like their on top of the world. For them there is no other way they can get that euphoric feeling. This is what keeps a compulsive gambler from really wanting to stop gambling.

When a compulsive gambler realizes that they are always losing there money reality sets in. They then question themselves. "Do I really want to stop gambling? They decide yes I want to stop gambling. They are feeling good about there decision. They finally made the decision to stop. The next day comes and goes. The compulsive gambler is feeling good about them selves. All of sudden they get a call from a friend. Next thing you know you're in the car headed to meet them at the gambling establishment. You now realize you didn't stop gambling. You then play games with your mind, telling yourself "just one more time and I will stop." On the way to the gambling establishment you start thinking about the big win and how you are going to spend the money. You finally arrive and place your first bet. As the night goes on you realize you're ahead, you're on top of the world and then everything begins to crumble. You only have twenty dollars left in your wallet. What do you do now? You reach for your wallet and realized you have a credit card you can get three hundred dollars off of. You head directly to the credit card cashing area and look for the shortest line. You start wondering why this line is moving so slowly. When in reality it's only been a few minutes. You finally get the money and you begin to gamble again. Before you know it you lost that money too. You finally decide to leave and head home. In less then one minute after leaving you begin to ask yourself "Why didn't I leave when I was up? How could I go and take three hundred dollars off my credit card. How could I lose all my money again? What am I going to tell my wife? How could I do this again?

They finally arrive back at home and have to face the music. Once again they ask them selves: How could I do this again? They then decide it's time to stop. The next day arrives and they ask themselves "Do I really want to stop gambling?" The logical answer is yes but the reality is no.

Once a compulsive gambler no longer has any resources to gamble with, reality sets in and they are willing to admit they have a gambling problem. I have met a person who attended a gambler's anonymous meeting and convinced themselves that their problems were minimal compared to the people at the table. Once a compulsive gambler no longer has any resources to gamble with, reality sets in and they are willing to admit they have a gambling problem. I have met a person who attended a gambler's anonymous meeting and convinced themselves that their problems were minimal compared to the people at the table. A year passed and this same person went back to same Gamblers Anonymous group and their situation is now worse then the people he met at the first meeting. Don't let this happen to you or a loved one. There is a site called I Stopped Gambling So Can You http://www.istoppedgambling.com/ that has informational resources related to stop gambling addiction.

Knowing you have a problem gambling and doing something about it can have an everlasting effect on your life. It's time to take one day at a time.

Mr. Howard Keith has an extensive background in dealing with compulsive gamblers, relatives and friends of gamblers and teenage gamblers. Mr. Keith believes there are many alternatives to aid in the recovery of a gambling addiction verses a twelve step program. A large percentage of his emails were from compulsive gamblers looking for an alternative to Gamblers Anonymous and twelve step programs. Gamblers Anonymous also helps a significant number of people each year but there is a large percentage that does not stay. These are the people Mr. Keith is hoping to reach.

Gambling Addiction

A friend of mine who is a great high school basketball coach once told me "The best you can have happen in a game is to have the other team's worse shooter make his first shot - very similar to the confidence you feel with a gambling addiction. They will think they are a good shot and keep throwing upshots and missing them. But they keep shooting because they made the first one." This same attitude got me addicted to gambling. The thought that what happened once, by pure luck, was going to keep happening and I could control it. Instead of walking away and being content with a little good fortune, I stuck around long enough to prove his statement true, not for basketball, but gambling.

I got into gambling which resulted in my gambling addiction the same way people get into it. My friends and I would play cards when we were in high school for a few dollars. The feel of winning, even back then was a rush. That feels better than any drug. Other people may get this feeling through exercise, the runner's high, or closing a big deal at work. The difference between their feeling and the one I got was the high, or sense of accomplishment. The difference between myself and the friends, I play cards for entertainment and fun. They may have had that same feeling I did, but they didn't let the feeling overtake their mind and way of life. They, like most people, realized if they won, they were lucky. Sure there is a tactics, but in gambling, it is better to be lucky than good.

I have been gambling, with a gambling addiction, and going to casinos since I was eighteen years old. Back then, you only had to be eighteen to gamble at casinos. Back then I would take the money I got from working around the house or a part-time job and I would head down to the casino on Friday night after school. What I won or lost would dictate how the whole next week would go until I receive payment. If I won, that next week was fun. Most of the times though I am scrambling for extra work for money or borrowing from friends. I wish I could look back and laugh and say man I was just young and stupid. The problem is it got a whole lot worse and the thinking did not change. Feast or famine was the way I lived my life.

Sex, Drugs, Gambling and Chocolate A Workbook for Overcoming Addictions (2nd Edition)

A. Thomas Horvath, Ph.D., is president of Practical Recovery Services, San Diego, California, which offers an alternative to 12-step and disease-oriented addiction treatment. He is president of SMART Recovery, a non-profit network of support groups for individuals abstaining from addictive behavior. From 1999-2000 he served as president of the American Psychological Associations Division on Addictions (Division 50). Author A. Thomas Horvath Studio Impact Publishers, Incorporated Format Book

I gambled throughout my twenties ( not realizing I had a gambling addiction) and early thirties with few major problems. I would win a little here and there, but I never had a big payday. Then two years ago I walked into the casino with forty dollars and walked out with one thousand five hundred. The following ten months were the most self-destructive ten months of my life. The bigger problem was in this time how many people I lied, blamed, and would not listen to. In the end I lost a ridiculous amount of money; but what was worse I lost the trust of everyone in my life. Some have started to forgive me, but others never will. I would not blame them. I still don't trust myself.

After that first big "payday", I gambled more in the next ten months than I had ever done before. I would estimate I gambled two hundred and seventy out of the three hundred days that this all took place in. The only reason I took those other thirty days off was I was flat broke - classic gambling addiction.. During this stretch of time, I won much money. The problem was, among many problems, I am never content with what I was lucky enough to win. If I won five hundred, I would lose it trying to win a thousand. I had Friday nights where I would win eight thousand dollars. By Sunday , when I would leave, it was all gone. It didn't matter how much I would be ahead, in the end, the casinos and I both knew I was walking away down. The last few months I was so bad I would not even get the rush, or high, from winning. I knew I was going to lose it eventually. It stopped becoming fun and a game, it became my life.

I wish I could say the money lose was the worse part of my gambling addiction. But everything else that came with it was far worse. See during this time I borrowed money from friends, relatives, and others promising them I would not use it for gambling. I had no plans of it when I borrowed the money, but in the end, I lost it all. For the past eight months I have been trying to rebuild trust with these people. Some have started to forgive me and take what I say as truth. Others have not and I believe never will. Do I expect them to though? No. I just hope to repair some trust back with them. Another that came from all of this was the outlook that no matter what I did I was going to lose anyway. It is a feeling of I have no control over the events of my life because at some point I would get screwed over. Any contact I had with someone was an analysis of why were they talking or acting the way they were with me. I got bad enough where I even thought family and close friends were trying to "hustle me", or win one over on me. I thought everyone had an angle. If they were being friendly, there had to be a scrupulous reason. There had to be an anterior motive. It was like I was living my lifelike everything was in the casino.

See in the casinos, the more you win, the more you get. Complimentary drinks, food, and vouchers are the norm when you are winning. Why? Because when you get these, you are going to stay in the casino long enough for them to win their money-back and then some. So when I spent most of my life during this time in the casinos, I just got use to that lifestyle. In the end, I just made everyone upset and put myself in a position where no one would or could trust me or want to help me.

Gambling addiction is something I will live with for the rest of my life. It is not something you can just one day say I am cured, because it is a conditioning you live with forever. To stop myself from continuing this path of destruction, I have had to take steps that I didn't want to take, but if I didn't I would either be dead or in jail. This is the part that is sad; it took others to take control to make me take some of these steps. It is because of family and friends that I am starting on the road to get my problem under control. They sometimes had to do what they knew would upset me. At times I would not understand, but in the end would be better for me. That is what it takes to help someone out with a problem such as this. When you are the person with the problem, you either don't see you have a problem, or in my case, realize there is a problem but are not strong enough to fix it without help from others. There are much people who I got mad at and thought they were not on my side. But in the end, the only one I can blame for this was me. Gambling addiction is something people never are over, but with family, friends, support groups, literature, and most of all, a willingness to get help, they can have a life where there is some stability.

Scott Farmer

Internet Gambling Laws in the US Will Soon Take a Dramatic Turn

The U.K. introduced sweeping changes to its internet gambling laws with the passage of the Gambling Act of 2005. The stated purposes of the act were very noble: to prevent gambling from being a source of crime and disorder; to ensure gambling would be conducted in a fair and open manner; and to protect children from being harmed by enforcing the legal gambling age of 18 years. In practice, of course, the act led to a surge in on site operators moving to the country and a corresponding increase in tax revenues as a result.

In the U.S., the situation is much different. Gambling is legal under Federal law but prohibited in many states, with some local exceptions. Legal gambling states include Nevada and New Jersey, although many states have passed laws that legalize gambling in certain municipalities as well as on Native American lands. Internet gambling laws, on the other hand, have effectively prohibited operators from doing business within the states.

In 2006 Congress approved an act that dramatically affected the internet gambling laws and effectively proclaimed the industry illegal. That act threw the industry into turmoil, and drove virtually all of the U.S. based operations out of the country. Sites operated out of the U.K. and the Bahamas now garner a majority of this profitable business. But numerous faults in the 2006 legislation and the feeling that Congress has more important things to worry about have now pushed the country to the brink of legalizing the industry.

If the U.S. is to proceed with the legalization of gambling over the internet, congress must first do away with its awkward attempt at making it illegal under the 2006 Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (more easily referred to as UIGEA). The purpose of that act was fairly simple: make it illegal for banks, credit card companies, and other payment processors to transfer funds from gamblers to online casinos and from those online casinos back to the gamblers.

You must understand, however, that the preference of lawmakers has always been to prohibit online gambling. But concerns about the constitutionality of such a prohibition as well as the mind boggling problems associated with enforcing the ban have consistently killed any possible actions along those lines. So Congress chose instead to try to attack the problem by preventing the flow of capital between the gamblers and the casinos under the UIGEA.

Now, thanks in no small part to the national financial meltdown, Congress is poised to reverse its approach to internet gambling laws and scrub the problem-plagued UIGEA. Under a couple of proposed House bills including one sponsored by Barney Franks and Ron Paul, Congress now appears poised to legalize and regulate the industry.

Whenever Congress actually considers such a sensible approach you can assume that there are potential tax revenues to be gained. So it shouldn't come as a surprise to learn that one of the major benefits of legalized gambling is additional revenue for the government. Recent studies have indicated that the tax revenues the government stands to reap from a legalized online gambling industry could reach more than $50 billion over the next 10 years.

Hopefully, based on current sentiment in Congress regarding internet gambling laws, U.S. based online gambling fans will soon be able to enjoy their sport legally through U.S. based operations that will be under the scrutiny, and taxing power, of the Federal government.

Cary Clark is an avid traveler & prolific writer who has written extensively for newspapers & travel magazines. For the latest updates on online gambling, best rated online casinos [http://www.casino-affairs.com/best-rated-online-casinos.html], casino payout and sports betting visit Casino-Affairs.com, an online casino guide [http://www.casino-affairs.com]

2012年9月24日 星期一

Gambling in Casinos is Legal So Why is it Illegal on the Internet?

Recently the United States government has passed a law making it illegal for credit card companies or other such institutions in the United States to make payments over the internet to businesses that are involved in online gambling. I for my part would like to say that I am not a gambler of any kind as the times that I have been to a casino or gambled at one are so few as to be counted on one hand so it is not with a personal interest that I am against such a law nor is it that I profit in any way, shape or form from online gambling or any other kind. I merely speak out against a law that I consider to be unfair, illogical and hypocritical as it allows the same activity when practiced in Casinos in cities like Las Vegas or Atlantic City but not on the internet. To my way of thinking this is the equivalent of passing a law that makes it illegal to consume liquor in bars but not in restaurants; where the activity is left unaltered but for some reason the law strikes out against.

The issue to those who made the law regarding online gambling in the United States was so called "morality" which of course is arbitrary and if one looks at things from a purely logical point of view should never be used as a basis for law. It being this sort of thinking which in the US lead to the failed Volstead Act. This act being the one that brought about prohibition in the United States during the 20s which contrary to popular misconception made it unlawful not to produce or consume alcohol but to sell or buy it. Meaning one could not profit from it which of course some did and in a huge way.

Morality regardless of what ever we may be told is a point of view which has always been; as what is considered to be moral by one individual or society will not necessarily be considered as such by another individual or society. For instance some may consider adultery as immoral though the law in most countries does not regard it as illegal or at least not anymore. As another example I can state how in some countries alcohol consumption is considered illegal on religious and moral grounds though in others it is not. However morality should be distinguished between right and wrong. Of course never losing sight of how even these two to a large extent are also subjective to interpretation though for the most part it is accepted by most of society that murder and theft are wrong.

With regards to the morality of gambling; we like many other things such as prostitution, drinking, same sex marriages, smoking, and drug taking can always argue about their moral aspects and their effect on society as a whole but can it be considered wrong for people who are past a certain age (18 in most countries) to willingly risk losing their money in an attempt to win more of it even if this be on the internet? These people after all are aware that there is a chance that their money will be lost, at least to them. This is a question I would reply in the negative; giving the following reason. Why should it be less moral for a person to win or loose money in gambling on the internet then it is on "Wall Street"? This being a place were even larger sums of money are won and lost. If we lend some thought to the matter; is "investing" money on the stock market not a form of gambling as one is never sure one will profit or not unless one has inside information which is even illegal. Naturally I am aware that there are those who will say that on the stock market money is neither won nor loss but simply changes hands well is it not the same case with online gambling and in this argument, let it not slip our minds that investing (or gambling) on the stock market may also be done on the internet.

If we look at the issue from an even broader perceptive is not gambling on the internet less harmful on the whole then investing or gambling on the stock market? Depending on how one wishes to label it, always bearing in mind that gambling is an activity in which money changes hands more by chance then by skill or knowledge. The stock market naturally being more harmful by virtue of being able to cause devastating effects on the economy of the whole world whereas internet gambling may realistically involve only those who directly partake in it. Furthermore losses from internet gambling could never even approach those that were caused by the "sub prime market" which has set the world in to recession; though few are willing to use the term, at least for now.

The reason the United States congress has seen fit to declare gambling on the internet as illegal is based upon "morality". I personally do not see how this be "immoral"; if such a word could be applied to people who by there own free will are risking their own assets as opposed to those who do likewise on the stock market. The stock market being a place where on many occasions those who invest do not even do so with their own savings but those of others who are not necessarily among society's most affluent or sometimes not even informed as to what is being done with their money. Is it not or should it not be up to each individual to decide in what form he or she wishes to spend or risk losing his or her financial resources or in this case not even on what but where?

However I in what be this whole affair see something else that perhaps some do not and that is if people are not allowed to gamble on the internet or at least those in the US then would they not be forced to do so exclusively in American casinos as they would be left with no other legal choice. This making it abundantly clear that with a law forbidding gambling on the internet on supposedly moral grounds then American casinos would no longer be losing out to internet competition. This leaving the road clear for American gambling loses to stay in America as opposed to leaving the country. This in my opinion is the real issue that is being disguised as morality.

Naturally since casinos would be making more money because of this law so would the United States government given that casinos would have higher revenues to be taxed which in a time of crisis would not come as unwanted income. This even goes further as when Americans gamble less in casinos and more on the internet they also spend less money on traveling to those casinos, or staying in the hotels which own the casinos. This creating a situation that internet gambling has not only taken profits from American casinos but all those businesses connected to them. So taking these factors in to consideration, I in my believe (if no one else's) claim this law was passed to assist casinos in America and their associated businesses in making higher profits while hiding behind the smoke screen that is morality. Moral grounds being that people loose their money and communities suffers as if the same thing did not occur when the identical activity is carried out in the casinos of Los Vegas or Atlantic City.

Of course like with prohibition which did not stop drinking but rather increased it; this law based on hypocrisy will also not stop online gambling either; even for Americans (let alone people from other countries) as all they need do is travel outside the US or simply find a foreign bank to issue them a credit card that is not bound to uphold laws that simply do not make sense and serve no purpose other then the interest of a select few.

My name is Gianni Truvianni, I am an author who writes with the simple aim of sharing his ideas, thoughts and so much more of what I am with those who are interested in perhaps reading something new. As for the details regarding my life I would say that there is nothing that lifts them above the ordinary. I was born in New York City in 1967 on May 21st and am presently living in Warsaw, Poland where I wrote my first book "New York's Opera Society" now Available on Amazon.

Gambling Addiction Help Tip 1 - Admit That You Have a Problem

Do you have a gambling problem? Is your life falling apart as a result of your gambling? Well before you can ever get help for your problem, you must first admit to yourself that you have a problem Many people are in denial over their gambling addiction. They may say to themselves "Oh.. it is not that bad".. or "I work so hard all week and I deserve to have a little fun!"

These are different aspects of denial that can truly stop you from getting the help for your gambling problem that you need and deserve. You may not want to admit to yourself how much of a negative effect that gambling is having in your life because your gambling behavior is filling a void in your life such as loneliness or boredom. Another problem is that once gambling is stopped, all of your emotions and feeling return and sometimes this can be unbearable. It is therefore easier to stay in that state of denial because it is numbing, and you will not really feel that emotional pain underneath the addiction. Some of the flagship signs of a compulsive gambling problem are as follows:

1. Gambling to escape trouble or pain.

2. Gambling for much longer than you expected or staying overnight at the casino.

3. Increasing debts as a result of your gambling habit or addiction.

4. Lying and stealing as a result of your gambling addiction.

5. A feeling of being out of control when gambling.

6. Feeling "high" when you are gambling as though you are in a dream world.

7. You stop taking care of yourself as a result of your gambling behavior.

These are just a few signs that you may have a gambling problem. The best thing you can to is to be honest with yourself and admit that your life has gotten totally out of control as a result of your gambling.

Michelle Tee

Michelle Tee is a self-help coach and author on the subject of gambling addiction . If you are looking to stop gambling and have not had success in the past, visit her site today.

Gambling Establishments Negatively Affect Our Community

Gambling establishments continue to negatively affect our community by taking needed resources for personal gain. Since legalizing gambling, our society is addicted in one form or another.

The following has situations have occurred since legalizing gambling:

1) Illegal gambling increases even though gambling has been legalized.

2) Gambling addiction is escalating with no end in site.

3) Gambling addiction rates are double for those living near a gambling establishment.

4) Personal bankruptcy rates are higher in countries that have gambling establishment.

5) Crime rates are on the rise due to desperate individuals who are trying to recover gambling loses.

6) Fraud and embezzlement become common among formerly hard-working and highly trusted people.

7) Suicide rates among addicted gamblers are greater then any other addiction.

8) Local businesses have lost revenues and or have gone bankrupt

9) Families lost all their resources due to a spouse having a gambling addiction.

With every day that passes more and more people realize someone around them lost their savings at the gambling establishment.

My town is twenty nine miles from the nearest gambling establishment. On my block alone more then fifty percent of the people know some one who lost their life savings. On the same block only twenty percent know someone close who has a drug addiction.

As you educate yourself you start to realize there is a problem and something needs to be done before it gets out of control.

Governments need to take the time to realize that gambling addiction is a silent addiction and the negative affects are never felt in the short run. It's up to them to implement procedures to halt this addiction if it's not too late.

Mr. Howard Keith has an extensive background in dealing with compulsive gamblers, relatives and friends of gamblers and teenage gamblers. Mr. Keith believes there are many alternatives to aid in the recovery of a gambling addiction verses a twelve step program. A large percentage of his emails were from compulsive gamblers looking for an alternative to Gamblers Anonymous and twelve step programs. Gamblers Anonymous also helps a significant number of people each year but there is a large percentage that they are unable to reach.

For more information on gambling addiction and stop gambling you can check out I Stopped Gambling So Can You http://www.istoppedgambling.com/

2012年9月23日 星期日

Gambling Facts and Statistics - Who Gambles (and How)?

In an effort to make distinctions between Web-based personal computer gambling and gambling by mobile phones and interactive television, the Gambling Commission in the U.K. put together a report that was the first in a series. One of the key goals, according to the commission, is to measure participation to get a more accurate view of gambling in Britain.

The commission lists these items among key findings of the January 2009 survey:

o 9.7 percent of 8,000 adults surveyed in the U.K. said they had participated in one of the forms of remote gambling in 2008. This compares to 7.2 percent in 2006 and 8.8 percent in 2007.

o The people most likely to take part in remote gambling: males between 18 and 44 years of age

o Most of the people who participated in remote gambling used a personal computer - nearly 3 times more than mobile phone or interactive TV

It's interesting to note that the consistent increase in participation in the U.K. is primarily due to remote access for Britain's National Lottery. When these lottery players are separated from the other survey respondents, the numbers indicate that 5.2 percent of the people surveyed took part in some form of remote gambling. The bottom line is that, in the U.K., more than 90 percent of the people don't gamble online or by some other remote means.

The report also separates respondents based on the type of gambling. For example, only 2.4 percent said they bet on horse racing of some type. Just 1.1 percent played bingo from a remote location. Roulette and blackjack were played by 1 percent of the people surveyed.

The commission has also released similar gambling statistics through June 2009. This report shows a few slight differences from the January data.

o 10.2 percent of 8,000 adults surveyed said they participated in some form of remote gambling in the previous month

o Remote gambling on a personal computer continued to be the most popular method (8.6 percent)

o Statistics for various types of games didn't show any significant changes, as 1.1 percent played blackjack or roulette from a remote location.

In contrast to the low number of people who engage in online, mobile or interactive TV gambling, reports on all gambling for 2007 and 2008 show that 68 percent of the population has tried some form of gambling. This translates to more than 30 million residents. It seems that the National Lottery, live casinos, betting parlors and other forms of in-person gambling are very popular with U.K. residents.

When the study took out the people who only purchased National Lottery tickets, results still show that nearly half of adults have tried gambling of some sort (48 percent). Among those millions of people, 17 percent bet on horse racing and 14 percent played the slots.

o £84.2 billion devoted to gambling annually

o Approximately 4,000 licensed operators in the gambling industry

Jim Hale is a veteran writer with more than 30 years experience in the newspaper and magazine industry. Now a regular columnist for blog.casino-affairs.com. Find out the top ten online casinos [http://www.casino-affairs.com/top-ten-online-casinos.html], no deposit online casino [http://www.casino-affairs.com/no-deposit-online-casino.html], sports betting and latest gambling news at Casino-Affairs.com.

Online Gambling World As Players See It

It is significant to learn where online gambling is in today's highly commercialized world. This is not an easy discussion and will require us to expend time and effort if we were to seek enlightenment on this matter. But this knowledge is relevant for beginners, players, and casinos themselves. For instance, such information can give you a perception of gambling, not only in the country but in the entire world. Statistics can give you information regarding the kind of gamblers casinos have and the overall gambling behavior of the populace. If you are an interested online gambler, you should keep yourself updated to the latest news.

Looking at the General Picture of the Online Gambling Realm

At the present, gamblers around the world are flustered at the approval of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA), which prohibits Americans from gambling games online and which seems the most pressing issue concerning the gambling public. Nonetheless, the bill targets only the American citizens and the US gambling and casino market. But the implications of this law spread globally. One of the notable effects is the higher stringency in money transferring procedure and banking options in gambling sites. This started in 2007 though in a vague, confusing manner. The outcome is the closure of online gambling sites as a result of reduction of stocks brought about by diminishing market as the US bans its people to join online gambling. Gambling sites outside United States also forbids registration of US players. Indeed, the effects of UIGEA travelled beyond the bounds of America, affecting worldwide gambling industry, impairing more casino sites than it ought to be.

Gambling on the Internet

So, you may want to check out how gambling is prospering in other nations which have continued the tradition of gambling. American gamblers are not entirely banned from joining the gambling sites and that should be clear. Some states still allow people to gamble despite the presence of UIGEA, which is not fully implemented across the nation. More countries around the globe are promoting casinos to compensate the dire slump in the US casino market. These countries include Barbuda and Antigua in the Caribbean area, where online gambling has been long successful and flourishing. The Caribbean has some of the best licensed online casinos whose boom has been due to low taxes and speedy transactions. Of course, apart from this Caribbean country, there are more countries that allow online gambling and online casinos to operate, such as France, Australia, South Korea, and Germany. These countries have long seen the economic advantage of supporting this kind of market.

Future of Gambling

The stability of both land based and online casinos is a subject of continuing debate. There is much discussion regarding the real economic benefits of promoting casinos and letting them thrive in the commercial scene. There is also an argument regarding the pros and cons of having them around and whether the benefits outweigh the disadvantages or is it the other way around. Nonetheless, experts believe that online gambling and roulette are sure to be around for a while and that this industry remains prosperous no matter what.

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Can I Include Gambling Debts in My Debt Management Plan or IVA

The number of people using credit cards to gamble on line has increased dramatically over the last few years. If you have a debt problem, we consider whether gambling will affect your ability to use debt management.

Trying to get out of debt can be extremely difficult. One of the methods chosen by some to try and pay off their debt is to attempt to win money by gambling.

Generally speaking, this solution does not work. More often than not the problem becomes worse because credit cards are used to fund the gambling habit.

Eventually the only way to resolve the debt problem is to turn to a debt management solution such as a debt management plan (DMP) or individual voluntary arrangement (IVA).

Gambling not a crime

However, a lot of people worry that they will not be able to use these solutions because their debts are partly (or sometimes largely) due to gambling.

In fact this view is not correct. Gambling is not a crime and as such debts generated through gambling should really be seen as no worse than debt generated in other ways.

As such, gambling debts which very often end up as additional expenditure on credit cards can certainly be included in a debt management plan or IVA.

The concern with gambling is therefore not that such debts are not legal or legitimate.

Further gambling must stop

The issue is that because gambling can become an addiction, if you have gambled in the past, there could be the possibility that you will be tempted to do so again in the future.

If that were to happen while you are in a DMP or IVA, it would mean that you would no longer be able to afford to make your monthly payments and the arrangement could fail.

For this reason, if you have gambled in the past, before you start a debt management plan you need to be sure that you will not gamble again. In the case of an individual voluntary arrangement you will actually need to prove that you are no longer gambling.

Generally speaking the way to do this is to provide three months of bank statements showing no evidence of gambling.

If you have gambled within the last three months and want to do an IVA, you will have to maintain reduced payments to your creditors for a month or two so that you can build up your non gambling history. You will then be able to start the IVA application process.

Speak to a debt advisor

It is extremely rare to find an example of where someone has successfully gambled their way out of debt. Generally speaking this strategy never works.

If you are suffering with a debt problem, you are far better off speaking to a debt management expert and considering a debt management plan or IVA.

If you already have gambling debts, it is important to understand that you can still resolve the problem using debt management. You just need to be sure that you will not gamble again in the future and be ready to show evidence that your gambling has stopped.

James Falla is a debt adviser from BeatMyDebt.com in the UK. For more quality and unbiased information on Personal Debt Solutions, visit our website at www.beatmydebt.com

2012年9月22日 星期六

Offshore Gambling - How Offshore Gambling Came To Be

Ok we are back with our discussion on offshore gambling...

In the previous post I touched on some basics pertaining to Internet gambling and some key points on how to find a great offshore gambling casino. In this article I will talk more about how online gambling came to be and where the future lies for this industry.

One of first known countries to capitalize with offshore gambling was the Caribbean country of Antigua and Barbuda in the early 1990's. The Antiguan government legalized online gambling and this resulted with millions of Americans betting overseas creating such a ruckus with the US government with trying to make Internet gambling illegal. The US government has put so many secure tax restrictions on declared winnings and losses with casinos that it is not some revelation that makes online gambling retailers operate overseas. When a casino operates offshore, laws for that particular state or even country no longer apply and the business can now run their online games as they see fit.

The only way that I can see offshore gambling failing is if the all countries join together under some magical law and cancel the Internet and computers all together. The chances of that happening are not very likely to say the least. On the other hand without the Internet offshore gambling would be history as it serves as the catalysts for all it has to offer. The typical online gamer is provided with vast options on an unmatched scale. Conventional casinos force the player to be at a certain location in order to gamble, with online or offshore gambling you have an endless array to chose from, like playing from the comfort of your own home or friends house, to playing on your cell phone while waiting to board at the airport, basically the offshore gambler can play anywhere in the world. And the best part of the whole offshore gambling experience is that a really eager person can still find a decent casino online that offers really fun and entertaining games as well here it comes, as an American still be accepted to play in that casino. How great is that!

To be continued........

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Government's Quandry - To Ban Or Regulate Online Gambling

Ever since the first online casinos started taking bets in 1997, governments around the world have had to consider how they are going to deal with the internet gambling phenomenon. And while legislative approaches adopted by different countries have varied significantly, its probably fair to say that no country has yet hit the nail on the head with a practically workable solution.

The impact that online gambling has had on the traditional gambling industries around the world can not be overstated. Previously captive gambling markets have all of a sudden been exposed to a myriad of betting options beyond their local race track or casino. And while early skepticism of online gambling operators kept some punters at arms length initially, this has now largely given way to mainstream acceptance of most online options. A punter no longer needs to walk down to his local betting shop to place a bet. He can lay that bet with a swoosh of a mouse at Betfair, Ladbrokes or any one of a myriad of other reputable operators. And why bother braving the mad crowds at the casino when you can play blackjack from the comfort of your loungeroom.

Terrestrial betting operators around the world, from Canada's Woodpine Entertainment Group to Ireland's Horse and Greyhound Racing Fund have complained that they can't compete with the quality and quantity of online betting options now available. A Woodpine spokesperson claimed recently that their wagering operation is losing $200 million a year to online gambling. Meanwhile in Ireland, Prime Minister Martin Cullen has said that their Horse and Greyhound Racing Fund will need to be subsidized by online gambling operators if it is to survive.

Governments around the world, faced with pressure from local gambling lobby groups and dwindling gambling tax revenues have been forced to act.

In 2000 the Australian Government became one of the first in the world to enact online gambling specific legislation. The law renders it illegal for an offshore online gambling operator to offer their product to Australian residents, or advertise their product in Australia. The legislation was hailed a success in 2004 when a Government commissioned report concluded "that currently involvement in internet gambling is only minimal and not likely to increase rapidly in the near feature." Fast forward to 2009 and it is estimated that the number of Australians signed up at online casinos and poker rooms numbers in the hundreds of thousands, proving the law to be practically unenforceable.

The US also took the ban approach when they passed the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act "UIGEA". It should be said though, that as this bill was passed as a last minute attachment to a must-pass port securities bill, its real scrutiny and endorsement by congress didn't really occur. Nevertheless, the law renders it illegal for financial institutions to facilitate payments from US residents to online gambling operators. The purpose of the bill was to stop Americans gambling online. The reality is that many casinos, sportbooks and poker rooms still accept bets from American residents via a number of 'virtual wallet' services based outside the US and outside the jurisdiction of UIGEA.

The law has also faced condemnation from the international trade comunity, adjudged illegal by the World Trade Organization in a case brought by the government of Antigua Barbuda, and labelled discriminatory and a breach of international free trade obligations by the European Trade Commission. There are currently moves afoot to have UIGEA repealed.

The UK has gone down the regulatory approach, with its Gambling Act passed in 2005 and coming into effect in 2007 providing an all encompassing approach to both terrestrial and internet gambling. The law allows all licensed operators (offshore and local) to offer their product to UK residents. In addition, operators licensed in the UK, Gibraltar, EEC countries and other jurisdictions granted white listing status by the UK Gambling Commission are able to advertise their product in the UK via mainstream media.

Now the governments of France, Sweden, Norway and Ireland have all foreshadowed the enactment of online gambling laws in the near future. France look like they will regulate, Sweden looks like it will ban, and Ireland just want to extract cash from online operators somehow to prop up the local racing industry.

Never a dull moment in the online gambling world.

Milton Shaw is a staff writer for popular online gambling portal
4 Online Gambling