2012年8月1日 星期三

Stop Gambling Addiction For The Compulsive Gambler

Compulsive gamblers search for a solution to their gambling addiction though new innovative websites and local community resources, As they begin their search they have more and more questions and less and less hope that they will succeed.

The following is the process some compulsive gamblers have gone through as they attempt to stop their gambling addiction:

1) Compulsive gambler tells either one family member or friend they have a problem

2) Compulsive gamblers ask either their family member or friend to tell no one.

3) Compulsive gambler no longer has the ability to focus or see reality for what it is.

4) Compulsive gambler knows they have a gambling addiction and search the web for a solution.

5) Compulsive gambler really does not want to stop gambling but believes they have no choice.

6) Compulsive gambler misunderstands what people are trying to tall them.

7) Compulsive gambler continues their search as their belligerent behavior escalates.

8) Compulsive gambler attacks stop gambling websites because they charge $19.95 per year even though they use to lose over one hundred dollars and hour gambling.

9) Compulsive gamblers by now have lost all rational thought.

10) Compulsive gambler isolates themselves from loved ones as they search for a solution.

11) Compulsive gambler finds a stop gambling addiction website/

12) Compulsive gambler tries to control their recovery with negative results.

13) Compulsive gambler makes excuses not to continue with the stop gambling addiction website.

14) Compulsive gambler still believes there is no way out and goes back to gambling.

15) Compulsive gambler runs out of resources to gamble again

16) Compulsive gambler has no choice but to stop their gambling addiction

17) Compulsive gambler admits there is a problem gambling and is ready to try anything that will work for them.

18) Compulsive gambler's stress increases as this process continues.

19) Compulsive gambler rationalizes that gambling reduces their stress.

The compulsive gambler repeats the above over and over until they find a recovery program that is really able to stop their gambling addition.

There are wonderful stop gambling programs available to meet the needs of every compulsive gambler. The compulsive gambler will stop gambling when they are ready to stop. Once they are ready their self destructive lives will change and through time their debt will be paid off.

Mr. Howard Keith has an extensive background in dealing with compulsive gamblers, relatives and friends of gamblers and teenage gamblers. Mr. Keith believes there are many alternatives to aid in the recovery of a gambling addiction verses a twelve step program.

For more information on gambling addiction and stop gambling you can check out:

Stop Gambling Addiction website has the useful resources and links on how to stop gambling. http://www.istoppedgambling.com/

You can also check out Mr. Keith's Stop Gambling Addiction Books. Stop Gambling Addiction Books helps compulsive gamblers and family members find resources to help with their gambling addiction.

